2022-2023 年報 Annual Report

社會服務 COMMUNITY SERVICES 81 TWGHs Tin Sau Bazaar Carnival was held at Tin Sau Bazaar (TSB) on 10 December 2022 in celebration of the 10th anniversary of establishment of TWGHs Tin Sau Bazaar cum the 25th anniversary of the Establishment of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region. Mr. CHAN Park Sun, Sunny, Assistant District Officer, Home Affairs Department (Yuen Long), Mr. MA Ching Yeung, Philip, the Chairman, and Mr. WAI Ho Man, Herman, Vice-Chairman, officiated at the Ceremony. The Carnival highlights included the “Human Library”, a platform to share the stories of different stall operators as they grew their business, and an exhibition to witness the development of TSB over the past decade, as well as the presentation of appreciation certificates to members of the Advisory Committee on the Management of TSB and stall operator representatives for their ongoing support over the years. 配合香港特別行政區成立25 周年,東華三院於 2022 年12 月10 日特意舉辦「細味 • 人情 • 天秀墟」 嘉年華活動,慶祝東華三院天秀墟成立10 年, 由元朗民政事務處元朗民政事務助理專員陳栢燊 先生、馬清揚主席及韋浩文副主席蒞臨主禮。當 日活動包括「真人圖書館」─ 由檔戶分享過去在 天秀墟奮鬥成長的故事、天秀墟發展概覽,並頒 發感謝狀予天秀墟管理諮詢委員會委員和一眾檔 戶代表,答謝他們長久以來的支持。 東華三院「細味 • 人情 • 天秀墟」嘉年華 TWGHs Tin Sau Bazaar Carnival Since the establishment of the first trans-disciplinary service team in 2016, TWGHs On-site Pre-school Rehabilitation Services have successively expanded its service capacity to 635, serving as many as 54 TWGHs partners schools now. In addition to the on-site services, there are 3 service centres in Kowloon, the New Territories and Hong Kong Island respectively, all of which are equipped with physiotherapy room, occupational therapy (sensory integration) room, speech therapy room, play room and parents resource areas for families and children in need, as we aim to grasp the golden period of intervention and unleash children’s unlimited potential. The Opening Ceremony of the Hong Kong Centre was held on 3 March 2023, with Ms. WONG Sau Wai, Vega, JP, Commissioner for Rehabilitation, Labour and Welfare Bureau, officiating. 自2016 年設立首隊跨專業到校學前康復服務團 隊,東華三院陽光孩子服務名額陸續增至635名, 為54 間正就讀東華三院伙伴學校的兒童提供到 校學前康復服務,並於九龍、新界及香港分別設 立3間服務中心,配備物理治療室、職業治療( 感 覺統合) 室、言語治療室、遊戲室和家長資源區, 供有需要兒童在學校以外進行訓練,協助他們把 握兒童發展黃金期,發揮潛能。香港中心開幕典 禮於2023 年3 月3 日舉行,邀得勞工及福利局 康復專員王秀慧太平紳士主禮。 東華三院陽光孩子中心( 香港) 開幕典禮 TWGHs Sunshine Kids Centre (Hong Kong) Grand Opening Ceremony 元朗民政事務助理專員陳栢燊先生( 右五)、馬清揚主席( 右六) 及 董事局成員為「細味 • 人情 • 天秀墟」嘉年華主持典禮儀式。 Mr. CHAN Park Sun, Sunny (right 5), Assistant District Officer (Yuen Long), Mr. MA Ching Yeung, Philip (right 6), the Chairman, and Board Members officiated at the Ceremony for the Carnival. 主禮嘉賓勞工及福利局康復專員王秀慧太平紳士( 右七) 主持碑記揭幕儀式。 The Guest of Honour, Ms. WONG Sau Wai, Vega, JP (right 7), Commissioner for Rehabilitation, officiated at the Plaque Unveiling Ceremony. In support of the youth to diversity their experiences and broaden their horizons, TWGHs was appointed by the Government as the District Organiser of the “Strive and Rise Programme” in Kowloon West District to provide services for about 450 junior secondary school students from underprivileged families or who are living in inadequate households. This one-year Programme with collaboration among the Government, commercial sectors and the public contained three closely linked elements, including mentorship, a personal development plan and financial support, all for the purpose of enriching the learning experience of the participants and inspiring them to explore more possibilities for personal development. The Programme also helped the participants to formulate action plans and make good use of financial resources to achieve their targets under guidance. 為協助年青人豐富閱歷及開闊視野,東華三院獲 政府邀請,成為「共創明『Teen』計劃」西九龍 區域的地區營辦機構。該計劃為期一年,集官、 商、民三方面的合作,配合師友配對、個人發展 規劃及財政支援三大元素,為約450 名基層家庭 或居於劏房等不適切居所的初中生提供服務。該 計劃為他們提供更豐富的學習經驗,啟發他們探 索更多個人發展的可能性,訂立行動計劃,並在 指導下善用財政資源,邁向既定目標。 共創明「Teen」計劃 Strive and Rise Programme