2022-2023 年報 Annual Report

籌募工作 FUND-RAISING 91 由藝術家馬興文先生設計的「東華三院 x DC 小龍馬NFT系列」象徵小龍馬接收了東華三 院對社群的愛與關懷,將愛傳遞給更多的人。 Created by artist Mr. Simon MA, "TWGHs x Drago Cavallo NFT series" symbolises love and care of TWGHs for the community, and Drago Cavallo is sending this affection to more people. 由思卓設計顧問有限公司呂兆賢先生創 作的東華三院董事局成員的NFT肖像。 Artistic portraits of TWGHs Board Members were created by Mr. Joseph LUI, Signature Limited. 本院社會企業「愛不同藝術i-dArt」團隊的 藝術品轉化為NFT作品。 The artworks of the TWGHs social enterprise "i-dArt" team were transformed into NFT art pieces. 馬清揚主席( 右四)、冠名贊助人代表及籌備委員會委員一 同主持展覽揭幕儀式。 Mr. MA Ching Yeung, Philip (right 4), the Chairman, representative of Title Sponsor and Members of the Organising Committee officiated at the Kick-off Ceremony of the Exhibition. 馬清揚主席(右)感謝歐陽偉豪博士(Ben Sir)(左)捐贈NFT字畫作品 《豪襄善舉滿東華》作為獎品。 Mr. MA Ching Yeung, Philip, the Chairman (right), thanked Dr. Benjamin AU YEUNG "Ben Sir" (left) for donating the NFT as a free gift of the activities. In December 2022, Mr. MA Ching Yeung, Philip, the Chairman, shortlisted 11 pieces of art works from TWGHs school students and had them converted into NFTs for charity bidding. The starting price was set at 0.0152 ETH to commemorate the 152 years of establishment of TWGHs. An online publicity campaign was launched alongside an online activity. The 152nd participants who successfully registered for the activity would be given a free gift created by Dr. Benjamin Au Yeung, also known as “Ben Sir”, a well-known Key Opinion Leader (“KOL”). 2022 年12 月,馬清揚主席從本院轄下學校學生 創作中甄選出11 件NFT 藝術品作公開競投。為 紀念本院成立152 周年,11 件NFT 作品的底價 設定為0.0152 ETH。另外,是次活動成功登記 及開戶的第152 名參加者,可獲得由網紅歐陽 偉豪博士(Ben Sir) 捐贈的NFT 字畫《豪襄善舉 滿東華》作為獎品。 東華三院NFT藝術創作3.0走入校園篇 TWGHs NFT Art Creations in the Schools 感謝中環H Queen's 贊助展覽場地,本院於2022 年5 月20 日至6 月2 日期間順利舉行「雅格酒 店誠意呈獻:東華三院NFT Marketplace 慈善拍 賣暨藝術展覽」。是次項目是一項慶祝香港特別 行政區成立二十五周年的認可活動,展出及拍賣 多件各有主題的NFT 作品,當中包括屬下社企 「愛不同藝術i-dArt」不同能力藝術家的畫作轉為 NFT、由藝術家馬興文先生所設計的「東華三院 x DC小龍馬NFT 系列」,以及美亞娛樂與Beam Plus Lab合作以旗下香港電影為主題,邀得著名 攝影藝術家夏永康先生設計NFT 作品。此外, 尚有思卓設計顧問有限公司呂兆賢先生創作出 東華三院董事局成員的藝術肖像創作和Lovelly Creations Ltd. 捐出的Planet 系列的NFT。 本院並委任鍾柔美小姐擔任活動的慈善大使,一 起宣傳是項活動。 TWGHs was honoured to have H Queen’s as the Venue Sponsor of “the Arca proudly presents: TWGHs NFT Marketplace Charity Bidding cum Art Exhibition”, which was held from 20 May to 2 June 2022. This was an accredited event celebrating the 25th Anniversary of the Establishment of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region. NFT art pieces for showcase auction included artworks of the artists with different abilities from our social enterprise “i-dArt”, the “TWGHs x Drago Cavallo NFT series” created by artist Mr. Simon MA, Mei Ah Entertainment collaborating with Beam Plus Lab in sponsoring NFT art pieces under the theme of “Hong Kong Movies” by renowned photographer Mr. Wing Shya. Other NFT art pieces included artistic portraits of TWGHs Board Members created by Mr. Joseph LUI, Signature Limited and the “Planet” NFT series donated by Lovelly Creations Ltd. Ms. Yumi CHUNG was appointed as the ambassador to promote this event hand in hand with TWGHs.