2022-2023 年報 Annual Report

東 華 三 院 院 獎項及殊榮 AWARDS AND HONOURS 02 In 2022, Mr. TAM Chun Kwok, Kazaf, BBS, Member of the TWGHs Advisory Board cum Chairman 2021/2022, and Mrs. KUNG YEUNG Yun Chi, Ann, BBS, JP, former Director, were bestowed with Bronze Bauhinia Star by the Hong Kong SAR Government. A senior staff member was awarded the Chief Executive's Commendation for Community Service. TWGHs is honoured to have worked alongside these distinguished associates over the years in promoting our charitable causes. 本年度,兩位東華三院歷屆董事局成員,包括 東華三院顧問局成員暨辛丑年主席譚鎮國先生 BBS及前總理龔楊恩慈BBS太平紳士,同時獲特 區政府頒授銅紫荊星章;另有一名高級職員獲頒 行政長官社區服務獎狀,表彰他們為香港社會所 作出的卓越貢獻。東華三院多年來與他們攜手共 建善業,與有榮焉。 東華三院伙伴獲 政府2022年度授勳 TWGHs Associates Recognised on the Government’s 2022 Honours List 警務處總警司( 刑事支援)( 刑事部) 余鎧均女士( 右二) 頒發 「好機構獎」予東華三院。馬清揚主席( 左二) 在行政總監蘇祐安 先生( 右一) 陪同下,代表本院領取獎項。 Ms. YU Hoi Kwan (right 2), Chief Superintendent of Police (Crime Support) (Crime Wing), Hong Kong Police Force, delivered the "Good Organisation Award" to TWGHs. Mr. MA Ching Yeung, Philip (left 2), the Chairman, accompanied by Mr. SU Yau On, Albert (right 1), Chief Executive, received the Award on behalf of TWGHs. The “Good Citizen Award” scheme aims to recognise citizens who assist the Police in preventing or detecting crime and protecting life and property. To show the appreciation to organisations that made great contributions to the protection of children, the Scheme introduced the “Good Organisation Award” in 2020. TWGHs is proud to be one of the awarded organisations this year. 「好市民獎」計劃旨在嘉許曾協助警方防止或偵 查罪案、保護生命財產的市民。該計劃更於2020 年引入「好機構獎」,以表揚在保護兒童方面作 出重大貢獻的機構,本院為本年度獲獎機構之 一,確實與有榮焉。 東華三院獲警務處頒發 「好機構獎」 TWGHs awarded “Good Organisation Award” by Hong Kong Police Force 銅紫荊星章 Bronze Bauhinia Star 行政長官社區服務獎狀 Chief Executive's Commendation for Community Service 譚鎮國先生BBS Mr. TAM Chun Kwok, Kazaf, BBS 婁振陽先生 Mr. LOW Chen Yang, Joe 龔楊恩慈BBS 太平紳士 Mrs. KUNG YEUNG Yun Chi, Ann, BBS, JP 顧問( 壬寅年)、主席( 辛丑年) Adviser (2022/2023); Chairman (2021/2022) 社服科主管 Head of Community Services Division 總理( 丙寅年及丁卯年) Director (1986/1987 and 1987/1988)