2022-2023 年報 Annual Report

獎項及殊榮 AWARDS AND HONOURS 05 A number of TWGHs primary and secondary schools participated in the "1st Hong Kong Youth Space Innovation Competition" commissioned by the International Cooperation Center of China Aerospace and organised by Hong Kong New Generation Cultural Association, and received a number of awards. TWGHs Schools Awarded in the “1st Hong Kong Youth Space Innovation Competition” 東華三院屬下多間中、小學參加由中國航天科技 國際交流中心委託香港新一代文化協會主辦的 「首屆香港青少年航天創新大賽」,並獲多個獎項。 東華三院屬校於 「首屆香港青少年航天創新大賽」獲獎 獲獎學校 Awarded Schools 獎項 Awards 中學組優秀組織獎 Excellent Organisation Prize (Secondary School Group) 「火星家園主題賽」初中組二等獎 Second Prize of the "Mars Home Section" (Junior Secondary Group) 「月球探索創新賽」高中組二等獎 Second Prize of the "Moon Inspection Innovative Section" (Senior Secondary Group) 「月球探索創新賽」初中組優異獎 Merit Prize of the "Moon Inspection Innovative Section" (Junior Secondary Group) 「未來太空工程挑戰賽」初中組一等獎 First Prize of "Future Space Engineering Challenge Section" (Junior Secondary Group) 「未來太空工程挑戰賽」小學組二等獎 Second Prize in the "Future Space Engineering Challenge" (Primary School Group) 「火星家園挑戰賽」小學組一等獎 First Prize in the "Mars Home Section" (Primary School Group) 「未來太空工程挑戰賽」初中組優異獎 Merit Prize of "Future Space Engineering Challenge Section" (Junior Secondary Group) 東華三院馮黃鳳亭中學 TWGHs Mrs. Fung Wong Fung Ting College 東華三院甲寅年總理中學 TWGHs Kap Yan Directors' College 東華三院鄧肇堅小學 TWGHs Tang Siu Kin Primary School 東華三院馬錦燦紀念小學 TWGHs Ma Kam Chan Memorial Primary School 東華三院李嘉誠中學 TWGHs Li Ka Shing College Two medical staff of TWGHs hospitals clinched the “Young Achievers Award” at the Hong Kong East Cluster “Outstanding Staff and Teams and Young Achievers Award 2021”, which was granted in recognition of their dedication and commitment to serving the community with unparalleled love and care. 東華三院屬下醫院兩位員工於港島東醫院聯網舉 辦的「2021 年度傑出員工及團隊及優秀青年」獲 頒「優秀青年獎」,表揚獲獎員工默默付出,盡 忠職守,以無比愛心和關懷服務市民。 東華三院屬下醫院員工於港島東醫院聯 網舉辦的「2021年度傑出員工及團隊獎 及優秀青年獎」獲頒「優秀青年獎」 傑出醫護人員及團隊榮膺 多項殊榮 Outstanding Medical Staff Members and Teams Recognised with Distinguished Awards 獲獎醫院員工 Awarded Medical Staff 東華東院 Tung Wah Eastern Hospital 東華東院 Tung Wah Eastern Hospital 質素及安全辦事處一級行政助理張祈諾先生 Mr. CHEUNG Kei Lok, Executive Assistant I (Quality and Safety Office) 物理治療部一級物理治療師徐麗雅女士 Ms. TSUI Lai Nga, Physiotherapist I, Physiotherapy Department 醫院 Hospital 東華三院屬校屢創佳績 Great Achievements of TWGHs Schools The "2022 Let's Join Hands in Safeguarding National Security" Programme aims to promote participation of secondary and primary school teachers and students in activities related to safeguarding national security, with a view to enabling national security education to take root in schools. Several TWGHs secondary schools participated in the Programme and won multiple awards. TWGHs Schools Won Multiple Awards in the "2022 Let's Join Hands in Safeguarding National Security" Programme 「2022 年國家安全齊參與」計劃旨在推動中、小 學師生共同參與維護國家安全的活動,從而讓國 家安全教育植根校園。本院有多間中學參與,並 獲多個獎項;獲獎學校表列如下: 東華三院屬校於「2022年國家安全 齊參與」計劃榮獲多個獎項 獲獎學校 Awarded Schools 獎項 Awards 「2022 國家安全網上問答比賽」最積極參與學校獎( 中學組) Most Active School Award (Secondary School) of "2022 National Security Online Quiz Competition" 「2022 國家安全標語創作及海報設計比賽」高中組冠軍 The Champion of the "2022 Slogan-cum-Poster Design Competition on National Security" in the Senior Secondary Group 東華三院黃鳳翎中學、東華三院吳祥川紀念中學及東華三院鄺錫坤伉儷中學 TWGHs Wong Fung Ling College, TWGHs S.C. Gaw Memorial College and TWGHs Mr. & Mrs. Kwong Sik Kwan College 東華三院李嘉誠中學黃欣彤同學 HUANG Yan Tung of TWGHs Li Ka Shing College TWGHs Medical Staff Clinched the “Young Achievers Award” at the Hong Kong East Cluster “Outstanding Staff and Teams Award and Young Achievers Award 2021”