2022-2023 年報 Annual Report

教育服務 EDUCATION SERVICES 50 Upholding the education mission of “Nurturing Talents, Education for All” of TWGHs, Tung Wah College (TWC) has been harnessing the solid strengths and advantages of TWGHs in medical and health, education and community services to provide high-quality tertiary education for secondary school graduates. TWC considers it a main goal to nurture students to become talents that meet the needs of social development today while upholding the spirit of selfless care to serve the community. In the school year 2022/2023, TWC continues to offer a wide range of bachelor’s degree and sub-degree programmes accredited by the Hong Kong Council for Accreditation of Academic and Vocational Qualifications, spanning across the disciplines of nursing, gerontology, medical laboratory science, radiation therapy, occupational therapy, physiotherapy, early childhood education, psychology, management in social and business sustainability and health information and service management. Details of the programmes are listed in Appendix E1. The College enrolment totalled at 3,542 in September 2022, while 800 students graduated in the school year 2021/2022. In the school year 2022/2023, TWGHs operated 18 secondary schools with a total student population of 11,793. Information about the secondary schools is listed in Appendix E2. The TWGHs secondary school curriculum covers a wide variety of subjects to meet social needs as well as the interests and capabilities of students. Strong emphasis is placed on students’ academic performance to prepare them for higher education and career advancement. TWGHs schools also endeavour to enhance students’ whole-person and multi-dimensional development through all-round education. 秉承東華三院「興學育才,有教無類」的教育理 念,以及憑藉其在醫療衞生、教育及社會福利服 務等範疇的專長和優勢,東華學院致力為高中畢 業生提供優質專上教育,培養他們具備東華三院 無私奉獻的精神,並同時成為切合現今社會發展 所需的優秀人才。於2022/2023 學年,學院繼續 開辦多個獲香港學術及職業資歷評審局認可的學 士和副學位課程,課程範疇包括護理學、老年學、 醫療化驗、放射治療、職業治療、物理治療、幼 兒教育、心理學、社商企業持續發展管理學,以 及醫療資訊及服務管理。各項課程資料詳見附錄 E1。截至2022年9月,學院共有3,542學生就讀, 2021/2022 學年共有800 名畢業生。 在2022/2023 學年,本院辦有18 所中學,共有 11,793 名學生。各中學資料見附錄E2。本院中學 因應社會需求及學生的興趣和能力,開辦多元化 的課程。學校重視學生的學科表現,致力為他們 將來升學及就業作好準備,同時推行全人教育, 培養學生多方面的才華,讓每一名學生都有全面 而具個性的發展。 服務概覽 專上教育 中學教育 Service Overview Tertiary Education Secondary Education In 1880, TWGHs started its first free school near Man Mo Temple to provide education services for the society. At present, TWGHs educational services cover tertiary education, secondary schools, primary schools, kindergartens and special schools. The Group embraces the school motto “Diligence, Frugality, Loyalty and Faithfulness” as the guiding principle in the moral and intellectual development of children and young people. TWGHs strives to cultivate proper values and a positive outlook on life in the young generation and encourage them to lead a fulfilling and meaningful life. Under the leadership of the Education Committee, the Education Division of the Group is responsible for coordinating and monitoring the development and operation of all TWGHs schools. Incorporated Management Committees (IMCs) have been set up in all TWGHs aided schools. Through the IMCs, more school stakeholders can take part in the decision-making process, providing greater transparency and accountability in school governance. Each IMC is composed of sponsoring body managers, the principal, teacher managers, parent managers, alumni managers and independent managers, with the Chairman of the TWGHs Board of Directors serving as the Honorary Supervisor. Kindergartens are managed under the centralised school management committee, with the TWGHs Chairman serving as the Supervisor overseeing the operation of kindergartens. As for tertiary education, Tung Wah College (TWC) is governed by the Board of Governors, with the Chairman appointed by the TWGHs Board of Directors. 東華三院於1880 年興辦「文武廟義學」,開始為 社會提供教育服務。本院現時的教育服務涵蓋專 上教育、中學、小學、幼稚園及特殊學校,旨在 培育兒童及青少年建立正確的價值觀和積極的人 生觀,並以校訓「勤、儉、忠、信」為進德修業 的依歸,勉勵他們拓展豐盛而有意義的人生。 在學務委員會的領導下,本院的教育科負責統籌 及監管屬下學校的發展和運作。本院屬下所有資 助中、小學及特殊學校,均已成立法團校董會, 讓更多持份者參與校政,提高學校的透明度及問 責性。每個法團校董會均由辦學團體校董、校 長、教員校董、家長校董、校友校董及獨立校董 組成,並由本院董事局主席出任名譽校監。幼稚 園設有中央校董會,由本院主席出任校監,監察 幼稚園的運作。 專上教育方面,東華學院的管治則由其校董會負 責,校董會主席由東華三院董事局委任。