2022-2023 年報 Annual Report

教育服務 EDUCATION SERVICES 56 TWC is dedicated to strengthening its research capability by encouraging academic staff members to pursue applied research to uplift the teaching and learning quality. In the academic year 2022/2023, TWC was granted research funding of over $4.8 million for 5 projects by the Research Grants Council under the Faculty Development Scheme. In addition, the University Grants Committee approved a total of $2.9 million research matching grant for TWC in the 11th and 12th cycle of the Research Matching Grant Scheme. 東華學院致力加強研究實力,鼓勵教學人員進行 應用研究,以提升教學質素。於2022/2023 年, 學院有5 個研究項目獲研究資助局「教員發展計 劃」撥款逾480 萬元。此外,學院亦於第十一輪 及第十二輪的研究配對補助金計劃中,獲大學教 育資助委員會批出共290 萬元配對補助金。 東華學院獲研資局及研究配對補助金計 劃逾770萬元資助加強研究實力 TWC Received Over $7.7 million in Grants to Strengthen Research Capacity 主席暨東華學院校董會主席馬清揚先生( 右五)、東華學院校務委員會主席陳文綺慧女士BBS ( 左三) 及東華學院校長陳慧慈教授( 右四) 感謝行政會議非官守議員高永文醫生GBS太平紳士( 左六)、李宗德博士GBS太平紳士( 左五)、馮玉娟教授BBS ( 右六) 及李維達醫生 ( 左四) 的貢獻。 Mr. MA Ching Yeung, Philip (right 5), the Chairman cum Chairman of Board of Governors of TWC, Mrs. CHAN MAN Yee Wai, Viola, BBS (left 3), Chairman of College Council of TWC, and Prof. Sally CHAN (right 4), President of TWC, expressed their gratitude to Dr. the Hon. KO Wing Man, GBS, JP (left 6), Non-official Member of the Executive Council, Dr. LEE Chung Tak, Joseph, GBS, JP (left 5), Prof. FUNG Yuk Kuen, Sylvia, BBS (right 6) and Dr. LI Wai Tat, Walton (left 4), for their valuable contributions. 輔助醫療業管理局主席蔡永忠先生BBS太平紳士( 左三)、主席暨東華學院 校董會主席馬清揚先生( 右三)、東華學院校務委員會主席陳文綺慧女士BBS ( 左二) 及東華學院校長陳慧慈教授( 右二) 一同主持祝捷會。 Mr. TSAI Wing Chung, Philip, BBS, JP, (left 3), Chairman of the Supplementary Medical Professions Council, Mr. MA Ching Yeung, Philip (right 3), the Chairman cum Chairman of Board of Governors of TWC, Mrs. CHAN MAN Yee Wai, Viola, BBS (left 2), Chairman of College Council of TWC, and Prof. Sally CHAN (right 2), President of TWC, officiated at the Celebration Reception. TWC has offered the Bachelor of Science (Honours) in Physiotherapy since the academic year 2018/2019 and is the 1st self-financing tertiary institution in Hong Kong offering a degree programme in physiotherapy. The Programme was given professional accreditation by the Supplementary Medical Professions Council in June 2022, making it the 1st self-financing bachelor of science in physiotherapy programme to receive professional recognition. The 1st batch of graduates can apply for registration as physiotherapists and practise in Hong Kong. The “Celebration Reception on Professional Accreditation of Physiotherapy Programme” was held on 12 July 2022 with officiating guests including Mr. TSAI Wing Chung, Philip, BBS, JP, Chairman of the Supplementary Medical Professions Council, Mr. MA Ching Yeung, Philip, the Chairman cum Chairman of Board of Governors of TWC, Mrs. CHAN MAN Yee Wai, Viola, BBS, Chairman of College Council of TWC, and Prof. Sally CHAN, President of TWC. Prof. the Hon. LO Chung Mau, BBS, JP, Secretary for Health, also gave a congratulatory video message to TWC. In the video, Prof. Lo thanked TWC for nurturing many local medical professionals, including physiotherapists, occupational therapists, medical laboratory technologists and radiographers. 東華學院於2018/2019 學年開辦物理治療學( 榮 譽) 理學士課程,為全港首間自資專上院校開辦 物理治療學位課程。該課程於2022 年6 月獲輔 助醫療業管理局的專業認證,成為首個取得專業 認可的自資物理治療學理學士課程。首屆畢業生 可申請成為註冊物理治療師,在本港執業。學院 於2022 年7 月12 日舉行「物理治療課程專業認 證祝捷會」,主禮嘉賓包括輔助醫療業管理局主 席蔡永忠先生BBS太平紳士、主席暨東華學院校 董會主席馬清揚先生、東華學院校務委員會主席 陳文綺慧女士BBS及校長陳慧慈教授。醫務衞生 局局長盧寵茂教授BBS太平紳士亦為學院送上 祝賀短片,感謝學院為香港培育不少專職醫療人 才,包括物理治療師、職業治療師、醫務化驗師 及放射治療師。 東華學院物理治療學( 榮譽) 理學士課程 獲專業認可 Bachelor of Science (Honours) in Physiotherapy Programme at Tung Wah College (TWC) Received Professional Recognition