2022-2023 年報 Annual Report

教育服務 EDUCATION SERVICES 64 The TWGHs Joint Primary Schools Wushu Elite Team was formed to cultivate the spirits of perseverance, courage and cooperation, strengthen students’ physical development and explore their interest in Wushu through training. This year, 30 students were nominated as the members of the TWGHs Joint Primary Schools Wushu Elite Team. They will represent the Group to participate in various regional and international competitions and performances in the future. Selected members of the Wushu Elite Team were also honoured to perform in the "Grand Variety Show in Celebration of 25th Anniversary of Hong Kong's Return to the Motherland" on 1 July 2022. The Group also introduced “In-class Experts” to schools by inviting Wushu Experts to guide students with teachers in PE lessons every week. Two thousand three hundred students from 15 primary schools were able to experience a popular Wushu practice. Given the COVID-19 pandemic, the TWGHs Joint Primary Schools Wu-shu Competition was conducted in the format of video shooting this year with over 150 participants. TWGHs Wong Yee Jar Jat Memorial Primary School won the Competition of individual performance and the representatives of TWGHs Lo Yu Chik Primary School won the Competition of group performance. 本院期望透過武術訓練,讓學生強身健體,並 發掘學生對中國傳統武術的興趣,培養堅毅奮 勇及與人合作的精神。本年度,教育科更開設 東華三院小學聯校武術代表隊,從各校校隊的學 生選拔約30 名精英,提供進階訓練,讓他們日 後代表東華三院參加地區性或國際性的武術比賽 或演出,而部分武術代表隊的成員本年亦有幸獲 選參與2022 年7 月1 日的「慶祝香港回歸祖國 二十五周年文藝晚會表演」。 此外,本院特設「專家入課」,聘請校外的武術專 家每星期到校於體育課與老師一起教授武術,為 15所小學共2,300名初小學生提供普及性的武術 體驗。受疫情影響,本年的東華三院小學聯校武 術比賽以拍攝短片的形式進行,參與人數超過150 人,東華三院羅裕積小學和東華三院王余家潔紀 念小學分別獲得團體賽和個人賽的冠軍。 東華三院小學聯校武術發展 Development of Primary Schools Martial Arts Teams TWGHs attaches great importance to students’ all-round development in moral, intellectual, physical, social and aesthetic aspects. To provide students with various learning experiences and opportunities of joining sports activities, TWGHs held the Joint Secondary Schools Athletic Meet at Siu Sai Wan Sports Ground on 25 and 26 October 2022, with Prof. YUNG Shu Hang, Patrick, MH, JP, Assistant Dean (Alumni Affairs) of the Faculty of Medicine and Chairman of Orthopaedics and Traumatology, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, officiating. A total of around 800 athletes from 18 TWGHs secondary schools took part in 77 events and were awarded with 517 medals. Both Men’s team and Women’s team of TWGHs Wong Fut Nam College won the Overall Championship of the Athletic Meet. 東華三院重視學生德、智、體、群、美的全方位 發展,屬下學校致力為學生提供多元化的學習 體驗及參與體藝活動的機會,並於2022 年10 月 25 日及26 日假香港小西灣運動場舉行中學聯校 運動會,邀得香港中文大學中大醫學院助理院 長( 校友事務) 兼矯形外科及創傷學系系主任容 樹恒教授MH太平紳士主禮。本院屬下18 間中 學共派出約800 名運動員參加77 個項目,同學 們共摘去517 面獎牌,成績令人鼓舞。東華三院 黃笏南中學更勇奪男女子團體冠軍。 東華三院中學聯校運動會 TWGHs Joint Secondary Schools Athletic Meet 東華三院董事局成員帶領學生大使們參觀中國銀行( 新加坡 分行)。 The Board of Directors led Student Ambassadors to visit the Bank of China (Singapore Branch). 學生大使到訪新加坡國立大學,了解當地教育及多元文化。 Student Ambassadors visited the National University of Singapore to learn about Singapore's education and cultural diversity. 參訪團拜訪香港駐倫敦經濟貿易辦事處,了解香港和英國的經 貿合作商機。 The delegation visited the Hong Kong Economic and Trade Office in London to learn about business collaboration opportunities between Hong Kong and the United Kingdom. 學生大使到訪牛津大學,參觀歷史建築及了解英國校園文化。 Student Ambassadors visited historic buildings and learnt about the British campus culture in Oxford University.