2022-2023 年報 Annual Report

教育服務 EDUCATION SERVICES 63 東華三院學生大使新加坡及 倫敦參訪團 TWGHs Student Ambassadors Education Tours to Singapore and London Holding fast to the mission of “All-round Education”, TWGHs Student Ambassador Programme was first introduced in 2015, aiming to give TWGHs students the opportunities to learn different cultures, develop a diverse and multi-dimensional vision of the world, and hone their leadership, organisational and interpersonal skills. Visits to Los Angeles, London, San Francisco, Vancouver and other locations were arranged under the Programme, nurturing over 180 Student Ambassadors in total with significant learning results. Mr. MA Ching Yeung, Philip, the Chairman cum Honorary Supervisor, together with Board Members, Chief Executive and Senior Staff, led a group of 28 Student Ambassadors to Singapore from 6 to 10 December 2022 and another group of 23 Student Ambassadors to London from 18 to 24 January 2023. Both tours were supported with well-devised contingency plans and sufficient anti-epidemic supplies in response to the pandemic. During the visits, the Student Ambassadors learnt more about the 2 places from 4 perspectives, namely economy, culture, education system and learning approach, as well as life of overseas Chinese. It was hoped that they would be able to see the world and learn when they travel and spread the philanthropic spirit of TWGHs. 為充分實踐本院發展「全人教育」的理念, 東華三院學生大使計劃自2015 年推出以來, 先後到訪洛杉磯、倫敦、三藩市、溫哥華等地, 為學生締造認識不同文化的機會,協助學生建 立更多元、更立體的世界觀,並培養他們的領 導力、組織力和社交技巧。計劃至今已培育了 超過180 名學生大使,學習效果顯著。 主席兼名譽校監馬清揚先生聯同董事局成員、 行政總監及高級職員,在制訂好防疫應變措施 及預備充足防疫物資的前提下,於2022 年12 月6 日至10 日及2023 年1 月18 日至24 日先 後率領28 位學生大使到訪新加坡,以及23 位 學生大使到訪倫敦,從經濟發展、生活文化、 教育制度與學習方式、華僑生活四方面進一步 認識這兩個地方,讓學生寓學於遊、放眼世界, 同時傳揚本院的善業精神。 董事局成員帶領學生大使拜訪中國駐新加坡大使館,並與教育參贊康凱先生(後排右四)、政治新聞處副主任宋超女士(後排右二)、 教育處一等秘書王煒先生( 後排左三)、經濟商務處二等秘書張兵先生( 後排左一) 見面。 Board Members led Student Ambassadors to visit the Embassy of The People's Republic of China in the Republic of Singapore and met Mr. KANG Kai (back row, right 4), Education Counsellor, Ms. SONG Chao (back row, right 2), Deputy Director of Political News Office, Mr. WANG Wei (back row, left 3), First Secretary for Education, and Mr. ZHANG Bing (back row, left 1), Secondary Secretary for Commercial Office. 馬清揚主席( 前排左四) 率領 學生大使拜訪中國駐英國大使 館,並與蔡豔豔公參( 前排右 四)、孔祥文參贊( 前排左三) 及代表會面。 Mr. MA Ching Yeung, Philip (front row, left 4), the Chairman, led Student Ambassadors to Embassy of the People's Republic of China in the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, and met with Ms. CAI Yan Yan (front row, right 4), Minister Counsellor, Mr. KONG Xiang Wen (front row, left 3), Counsellor, and other officials.