2022-2023 年報 Annual Report

教育服務 EDUCATION SERVICES 62 一眾嘉賓鼓勵得獎學生繼續發掘好人好事,並在英文寫作精益求精。 Guests encouraged awardees to keep up the spirit to appreciate good deeds and good people around them and strive for excellence in English writing. In collaboration with the Urban Renewal Authority (URA), TWGHs has held the Programme for 5 years in a row, with an aim to nurture students’ leadership skills in creativity, teamwork, problem-solving and other areas. Students were asked to unleash their creativity to build a sustainable living environment in To Kwa Wan using smart technologies and implement place-making initiatives with the theme of “Creating a Livable Community” in 2022. The event attracted more participation with 143 students from 18 secondary schools. Students explained their design ideas regarding the pop-up exhibition while sharing their experience on teamwork, interpersonal communication, creation and problem solving to the URA and TWGHs management on the Programme Presentation Day, 30 August 2022. Eventually, students from TWGHs Li Ka Shing College won the “Livable Community Award”. 本院連續第五年與市建局合辦「青年領袖計劃」, 培育學生的創意、團隊協作及解難等領袖才能。 計劃以「開創宜居新社區」為2022年的主題,讓 同學運用地理空間數據,為重建土瓜灣區項目設 計可持續發展的居住環境,規模亦增至18所中 學共143位同學參與。有關計劃的專題報告日於 2022年8月30日順利舉行,學生向市建局及本院 的管理層展示他們的方案,並分享在團隊協作、 人際溝通、創造及解難等方面的經驗。最終由 東華三院李嘉誠中學學生奪得「宜居社區大獎」。 第五屆青年領袖計劃 The 5th Young Leadership Programme 市區重建局行政總監 韋志成工程師( 中) GBS 太平紳士FHKEng、行政 總監蘇祐安先生( 左) 及 Esri 中國( 香港) 行政總 監徐開源測量師( 右) 出 席擔任「青年領袖計劃」 的評審。 Ir WAI Chi Sing, GBS, JP (centre), FHKEng, Managing Director of Urban Renewal Authority, Mr. SU Yau On, Albert (left), Chief Executive, and Sr Paul TSUI (right), CEO of Esri China, were judges of the Young Leadership Programme. 東華三院李嘉誠中學學生奪得「宜居社區大獎」。 Students from TWGHs Li Ka Shing College won the "Livable Community Award". To encourage students to explore and learn from the good deeds of good people around them and develop students’ interest in English story writing, TWGHs organised the “Good People, Good Deeds: English Writing Competition 2021-22”. The Award Presentation Ceremony was held on 17 September 2022 at the Assembly Hall of Tung Wah Hospital. Dr. LO Yuen Yi, Associate Dean (Learning & Teaching), Faculty of Education of The University of Hong Kong, was invited to be the Guest of Honour. In this academic year, approximately 1,100 entries were received. After selection and interviews, Gold, Silver, Bronze and Merit awardees for each group (Senior Level, Middle Level, and Junior Level) were selected by a panel of judges formed by representatives from the Education Bureau and several local universities. 為鼓勵學生發掘及學習身邊好人好事,以及培養 學生對英語寫作的興趣,東華三院舉辦了「好人 好事:英文寫作比賽2021-22」,並於2022 年9 月17 日在東華醫院禮堂舉行頒獎典禮,邀得香 港大學教育學院副院長盧婉怡博士擔任主禮嘉 賓。本學年,東華三院共收到約1,100 份參賽作 品,教育局及多間大學的評審團遴選及面試後, 選出高、中、初級組的金、銀、銅及優異獎得主。 東華三院「好人好事:英文寫作比賽 2021-22」頒獎典禮 TWGHs “Good People, Good Deeds: English Writing Competition 2021-22” Award Presentation Ceremony 擴闊學習經驗及促進全人發展 Broadening Learning Experience and Enhancing Whole-person Development