2022-2023 年報 Annual Report

社會服務 COMMUNITY SERVICES 74 越齡「咖啡 • 走動」團隊到訪東華三院 方樹泉護理安老院,為院友提供「啡走疫 情」活動。 "Coffee Express" team from Engage visited TWGHs Fong Shu Chuen Care and Attention Home to provide "Coffee Cast Away COVID" service for the residents. 計劃為1,300 名有需要的社區長者及其照 顧者送上「『疫』後晴天長者保健訓練套 裝」,鼓勵他們在家持續進行各種有益身 心的活動。 "Shine On Me Elderly Health-boosting Training Kit" were delivered to 1,300 community elderly and their carers in need, encouraging them to keep engaging in different health-boosting activities at home. 本院邀得香港大學醫學院內科學系傳染病 科主任及臨床教授孔繁毅( 左三) 於「五衡 法」影片中講解長新冠症狀。 Prof. HUNG Fan Ngai, Ivan (left 3), Clinical Professor of Department of Medicine, School of Clinical Medicine, The University of Hong Kong, was invited to elaborate on the Long COVID symptoms in the introductory video. 設立臨時失業支援申請處理中心 Setting up Temporary Unemployment Relief Scheme Application Processing Centre 政府在第六輪防疫抗疫基金下推出「臨時失業支 援」計劃。東華三院獲政府邀請協助推行該計劃, 設立「臨時失業支援申請處理中心」,核實及推 薦其中97,630 宗申請,向第五波疫情以來暫時失 業的市民,提供一筆過一萬元臨時失業支援,以 紓緩他們在找到新工作前的財政壓力。 The Government launched the “Temporary Unemployment Relief Scheme” (“the Scheme”) under the 6th round of the Anti-epidemic Fund to provide a one-off subsidy of $10,000 to people who lost their job due to the 5th wave of the epidemic and to reduce their financial stress before they could find another job. TWGHs was invited to implement the Scheme by establishing the “Temporary Unemployment Relief Scheme Application Processing Centre” for the verification process, after which 97,630 applications were processed. 東華三院成立「臨時失業支援申請處理中心」。 TWGHs established the "Temporary Unemployment Relief Scheme Application Processing Centre". 後事程序及喪親情緒支援熱線 Funeral and Bereavement Support Hotline 在2022 年初第五波疫情時期,醫療及殯儀業界 面對史無前例的壓力,後事辦理程序亦受影響。 針對受疫情影響的末期病人、其家人及喪親家庭 的需要,並加強對喪親家庭的支援,本院安老服 務部「圓滿人生服務」特別推出「後事程序及喪 親情緒支援熱線」,糅合輔導技巧、殯儀諮詢及 介入支援服務,為喪親者提供及時協助,包括線 上及線下的後事諮詢及情緒支援。除了為喪親家 屬提供專業的後事知識之外,還同時照顧其情 緒及生活需要。支援熱線的營運日期由2022 年 3 月25 日起至5 月31 日,期間透過電話、手機 通訊軟件及網上聊天機械人,為414 個喪親家庭 提供服務。 During the 5th wave of the COVID—19 epidemic in early 2022, practitioners in the medical and funeral industries were under unprecedented pressure while funeral procedures were adversely affected. "Endless Care Services" under TWGHs Elderly Services Section initiated the “Funeral and Bereavement Support Hotline” in response to the needs of the bereaved families who were seriously plagued by the 5th wave of the pandemic. It provided professional funeral consultation, counselling and emotional support, both online and offline, aiming to offer timely assistance to those in need in the community. During the hotline operation period from 25 March to 31 May 2022, a total of 414 bereaved families were served through phone conversations, WhatsApp and Chatbot. 「後事程序及喪親情緒支援熱 線」提供疫情下的最新後事 資訊及基本喪親支援。 "Funeral and Bereavement Support Hotline" provided the public with the latest funeral information and basic bereavement support amidst the epidemic. 「圓滿人生服務」特別設立 「後事程序及喪親情緒支援熱 線」,為喪親家庭提供電話及 網上的後事諮詢及情緒支援 服務。 "Endless Care Services" set up the "Funeral and Bereavement Support Hotline", serving bereaved families with funeral consultation and emotional support.