2022-2023 年報 Annual Report

社會服務 COMMUNITY SERVICES 84 「斷捨離」告別藝術展 Mind-decluttering Art Exhibition 「斷捨離」告別藝術展於2022 年11 月5 日至11 日假南豐紗廠舉行,吸引逾千名觀眾入場參觀。 藉著展示不同人生階段收集的物品及背後的故 事,以及情緒病婦女家居環境的照片及物品,帶 出精神健康及家居環境的密切關係,鼓勵市民回 顧自己的人生,關心自己的情緒健康,了解情緒 病患者的內心世界,傳遞接納及包容等信念,推 動社區共融。 開展禮由勞工及福利局康復專員王秀慧太平 紳士、馬清揚主席,以及社會服務委員會主 任委員曾慶業副主席主禮,同時邀得香港專 業整理收納協會會長譚穎橙小姐及網紅暨節 目主持人潘杰寧女士出席,與觀眾分享如何 「放下執著,活在當下」。 The Mind-decluttering Art Exhibition was successfully held from 5 to 11 November 2022 at The Mills, attracting more than 1,000 visitors from the general public. The Exhibition gathered different exhibits and their memorable stories from the public and their different stages of life. By demonstrating the inner world of depressive women through photos and objects of their homes, the Exhibition illustrated the close relationship between mental health and living environment. It also encouraged the visitors to review their own life stories and increase their awareness of mental health, with the aim to destigmatise mental illness and to disseminate the concept of social inclusion. The Event was graced by Ms. WONG Sau Wai, Vega, JP, Commissioner for Rehabilitation, Labour and Welfare Bureau, Mr. MA Ching Yeung, Philip, the Chairman, and Mr. TSENG Hing Yip, York, Vice-Chairman cum Chairman of the Community Services Committee, as the officiating guests. Meanwhile, Ms. Orange TAM, President of Hong Kong Association of Professional Organising and Ms. Kelena POON, a KOL, were invited as guest speakers to share the way to “let go of yourself and live at the moment”. 勞工及福利局康復專員王秀慧太平紳士( 中)、馬清揚主席( 左 二)、社會服務委員會主任委員曾慶業副主席( 右二) 與一眾嘉 賓為藝術展主持開展儀式。 Ms. WONG Sau Wai, Vega, JP (centre), Commissioner for Rehabilitation, Labour and Welfare Bureau, Mr. MA Ching Yeung, Philip (left 2), the Chairman, and Mr. TSENG Hing Yip, York (right 2), Vice-Chairman cum Chairman of the Community Services Committee, and other guests officiated the Opening Ceremony of the Exhibition. 藝術展吸引超過1,000名觀眾入場觀看。 The Exhibition was successfully held, attracting more than 1,000 general public to participate. 友心情網上電台於2023 年3 月19 日假香港中環 遮打道行人專用區舉辦一年一度的大型社區教 育活動,當日邀得勞工及福利局副局長何啟明 太平紳士、社會福利署中西南及離島區福利專員 甄麗明女士、馬清揚主席及董事局成員一同主持 啟動儀式。 是次活動以「關愛自己」為主題,結合正向心理 學中的「幸福五元素」,透過多元化的活動,包 括特色老爺車展覽、互動遊藝攤位及社企市集, 以及Cheer Up 城市定向比賽等,並由義工於港 島各地向市民派發精神健康小冊子,藉此喚起市 民大眾對身心靈健康的關注。 友心情網上電台「關愛同行每一天」 遊藝市集嘉年華2023 Radio-i-Care Cheer Up City Orienteering with Radic-i-Care “Love yourself everyday” Carnival 2023 The Carnival was held by Radio-i-Care on 19 March 2023 at Chater Road Pedestrian Precinct, Central. The Kick-off Ceremony was officiated by Mr. HO Kai Ming, JP, Under Secretary for Labour and Welfare, Ms. YAN Lai Ming, Jenny, District Social Welfare Officer (Central Western/ Southern/Islands), Social Welfare Department, Mr. MA Ching Yeung, Philip, the Chairman, and Board Members. Under the theme of “Love yourself everyday”, the idea of “PERMA” from positive psychology was introduced to the event through a variety of activities including a special exhibition with classic cars, carnival game booths, social enterprise bazaar and Cheer Up orienteering competition, all aiming to enhance public awareness of developing a good mental wellness. Meanwhile, there were volunteers at street booths across different areas on Hong Kong Island distributing mental health promotional items to the general public.