2022-2023 年報 Annual Report

社會服務 COMMUNITY SERVICES 88 參與研究的長者於發布會中分享參與活動的經驗,內容真摯 感人。 Research participants sincerely shared their touching participation experience in the seminar. 「網絡欺凌對香港學生的影響調查」 發布會 Survey on the "Impact of Cyberbullying on Hong Kong Students" TWGHs Integrated Centre on Addiction Prevention and Treatment (ICAPT) conducted the “Survey on the Impact of Cyberbullying on Hong Kong Students” and held a press conference to deliver the findings and recommendations on 10 November 2022. This survey, aimed at investigating the mental health condition and coping methods among youngsters in facing cyberbullying, received 832 surveys from primary 4 to secondary 6 students in Hong Kong in September 2022. GHQ-12 was applied to measure the psychological distress of interviewees. The results showed that nearly 20% of primary and secondary school students claimed they had experienced cyberbullying, among which Form 1 students were the most common. 30% of them revealed that being cyberbullied provoked thoughts of suicidal ideation and selfharm. The survey reported that the students believed the most effective ways to prevent cyberbullying were to educate students about the impact of cyberbullying, promote a caring culture on digital platform, and strengthen cybersafety education activities in schools. It also recommended improving students' ability to deal with cyber risks, enhancing "bystander" education, and building up a caring online culture. 「舞動耆跡X福樂滿心」以「身體動作」 介入改善長者抑鬱情緒及服務研究成果 分享會 Seminar on “Movement-based x ‘Elderspirituality—Fu Le Man Xin’ Intervention” Service and Research Study 本院安老服務部「活出快樂時光計劃」聯同香 港大學秀圃老年研究中心及生命原點 — 表達性 及身體心理治療中心於2022 年10 月27 日舉行 「舞動耆跡X福樂滿心」以「身體動作」介入改善 長者抑鬱情緒及服務研究成果分享會。由香港大 學秀圃老年研究中心總監樓瑋群教授介紹研究結 果,並由生命原點 — 表達性及身體心理治療中 心創辦人兼註冊舞動治療師孫廣和先生分享介入 手法的設計特色,參與研究的長者亦親身出席分 享活動經驗。研究顯示,「舞動耆跡X福樂滿心」 介入手法結合「舞蹈動作治療」的「身體動作」 介入元素和華人長者靈性提升理論( 福樂滿心), 有效改善長者抑鬱情緒並提升靈性健康,長者即 使面對社會環境轉變仍能保持身心健康,重新建 構生命意義,活出不一樣的人生。 In collaboration with Sau Po Centre on Ageing, The University of Hong Kong (HKU) and Life Origin — Centre for Expressive & Somatic Psychotherapy, “SOAR” — Happy Living Project under TWGHs Elderly Service Section held a seminar on 27 October 2022 to share details about the “Movement-based x ‘Elderspirituality — Fu Le Man Xin’ Intervention” service and findings of related research study. Prof. LOU Wei Qun, Vivian, Director of Sau Po Centre on Ageing, HKU, and Mr. SNG Kwong Wo, Simon, Registered Dance Movement Therapist and Founder of Life Origin — Centre for Expressive & Somatic Psychotherapy, presented the results of the study and design rationale of the innovative intervention model. Research participants were also invited to share their participation experience. According to the findings, “Movement-based X ‘Elderspirituality — Fu Le Man Xin’ Intervention” achieved remarkable results in reducing elderly’s depressive mood and enhancing spiritual health. Despite facing changing social environment, elderly could maintain mental well-being and live a different life. 東華三院心瑜軒於2022 年11 月10 日舉行「網絡 欺凌對香港學生的影響調查」發布會,公布2022 年9 月就網絡欺凌對中、小學生的影響開展調查 的結果,探討學生在遇到網絡欺凌時的應對方 法,以及精神健康所受到的影響。是次調查採 用一般健康問卷(GHQ12) 方式調查受訪學生的精 神健康水平,合共收集了832 名本港學生的網上 問卷。 調查顯示,近兩成中、小學生在過去一年曾經遭 受網絡欺凌,當中以中一學生最為常見。在遭受 網絡欺凌的學生當中,三成受訪者表示曾因面對 網絡欺凌問題而出現自殺念頭。受訪學生認為最 有效預防網絡欺凌的方法是教育學生有關網絡欺 凌的影響、宣揚網絡關愛文化,以及加強在學校 推行網絡安全教育活動。調查報告建議提升學生 應對網絡風險能力、加強「旁觀者」教育和建立 關愛網絡文化。