2022-2023 年報 Annual Report

籌募工作 FUND-RAISING 96 Tung Wah Charity Gala is our annual signature event raising funds for the development of TWGHs medical and health, education and community services. This year’s Gala was under the theme of “Tung Wah. Dedication to Charity, Devotion for Centuries”, and a series of fundraising activities was held from November to December 2022. The TV show was held on 3 December 2022 at TVB City, with the Hon. MAK Mei Kuen, Alice, SBS, JP, Secretary for Home and Youth Affairs, officiating. Thanks to the generous support from donors and the general public, a record-breaking amount of $126,888,888 was raised. Given that all direct expenses of the fund-raising events were sponsored by TWGHs Board of Directors and Title Sponsors, no administrative costs will be deducted from the donations of general public to ensure all public donations go directly to our services. 「歡樂滿東華」是東華三院年度大型籌募項目,為 本院醫療衞生、教育及社會服務籌募拓展經費。 今年活動以「東華為善 • 世紀不變」為主題,一 系列募捐活動已於2022 年11 月至12 月期間舉 行,而電視籌款晚會則於2022 年12 月3 日在 電視廣播城舉行,邀得民政及青年事務局局長 麥美娟女士SBS太平紳士擔任主禮嘉賓。全賴 各界善長慷慨解囊,是次籌款活動為本院籌得 126,888,888 元善款,打破去年紀錄。東華三院董 事局及冠名贊助人均已贊助各項籌募活動的直接 開支,不會從活動籌得的公眾善款中扣除行政費 用,確保公眾善款全數撥用於本院服務。 歡樂滿東華2022 Tung Wah Charity Gala 2022 馬清揚主席( 左九) 與主禮嘉賓民政及青年事務局局長麥美娟SBS太平紳士( 左十) 及董事局成員一同主持亮燈儀式。 Mr. MA Ching Yeung, Philip (left 9), the Chairman, the Hon. MAK Mei Kuen, Alice, SBS, JP (left 10), Secretary for Home and Youth Affairs, and the Board Members officiated at the Lighting Ceremony. 籌委會主席馬清揚主席( 前排左十)、委員韋浩文副主席( 前排左十一)、委員鄧明慧副主席( 前排左八)、委員何猷啟副主席( 前排右 十)、電視廣播有限公司製作部經理( 非戲劇分部) 何小慧小姐( 前排左九) 帶領一眾董事局成員及嘉賓藝人進行啟動儀式。 Led by Mr. MA Ching Yeung, Philip (front row, left 10), the Chairman cum Chairman of the Organising Committee, Mr. WAI Ho Man, Herman (front row, left 11), Ms. TANG Ming Wai, Mandy (front row, left 8), Mr. HO Yau Kai, Orlando (front row, right 10) and Ms. Stella HO, (front row, left 9) Manager (Non-Drama) Production Division, Television Broadcasts Limited, the Board Members, artistes and guests kicked off the Ceremony. 非常感謝「屋邨屋苑籌款活動」冠軍屋邨田灣邨( 左) 及冠軍屋苑香港仔中心( 右) 的鼎力支持! Our heartfelt gratitude goes to Tin Wan Estate (left) and Aberdeen Centre (right), the Champions of "Public and Private Housing Estates Fundraising Competitions, for their ardent support!