2022-2023 年報 Annual Report

醫療衞生服務 MEDICAL AND HEALTH SERVICES 35 The service was provided from 28 February to late April 2022 through online communication platforms, targeting people infected with COVID-19. The service covered 7-day Chinese medicine prescription and home delivery of medicine, benefitting as many as 5,600 patients. Around 5,000 of them were sponsored by Tencent Charity Foundation Program “TWGHs Joins Hands with Tencent to Fight COVID-19 Service”. 由2022 年2 月28 日至4 月底,本院中醫師團隊 透過網上通訊平台,為感染2019 冠狀病毒病人 士進行免費視像診症,並提供7 天中藥連同送藥 到家服務,共服務5,600 位病人。當中5,000 位 病人獲「騰訊基金會—東華三院攜手騰訊中醫藥 抗疫支援服務」計劃資助。 免費提供中醫視像診症服務 為協助抗擊2019 冠狀病毒病,東華三院參與政 府推行的「2019 冠狀病毒病疫苗接種計劃」,從 不同層面支援及推廣新冠疫苗接種,從而提高不 同年齡層的接種率,形成一個保護屏障,保障市 民健康。 東華三院於屬下兩個醫療單位,包括位於港島 區的東華三院醫療中心( 北角) 及位於九龍區的 參與「2019冠狀病毒病疫苗接種計劃」 Provision of Free Online Chinese Medical Consultation Services 本院中醫教授參考北京巿中醫管理局有關《北京 巿新型冠狀病毒感染的肺炎防治方案》,改良制 定了適合本地情況的中藥抗炎茶飲,並以煎劑、 湯包和茶包等不同方式提供予員工及巿民使用。 在2022 年,本院承蒙騰訊基金會和陸鎮父子慈 善基金的慷慨捐贈,東華三院李恩李鋈麟父子 中央煎藥中心預備了超過13,000 份抗炎茶飲及 15,000 包抗炎茶飲湯包,供東華三院及醫院員工 和巿民飲用。 為東華三院員工及巿民提供 中藥抗炎茶飲及湯包 With reference to the "Plan for Prevention and Treatment of Pneumonia Infected by Novel Coronavirus in Beijing" issued by Beijing Municipal Administration of Traditional Chinese Medicine, TWGHs Chinese Medicine professors prepared a recipe for Chinese Medicine anti-inflammatory tea tailor-made for the local conditions in Hong Kong. The tea was available in different forms, including decoction, herbal soup packs and tea bags. Over 13,000 packs of “Anti-pneumonia herbal tea” were prepared by TWGHs Lee Yen & Lee Yuk Lun, JP, Father & Son Centralized Decoction Centre and 15,000 packs of “Anti-pneumonia herbal tea” in soup packs were produced for TWGHs staff and local citizens in 2022, thanks to the sponsorship from Tencent Foundation and Luzhen Elderson Charitable Foundation. Preparation of Chinese Medicine Anti-Inflammatory Tea to TWGHs Staff and HK Citizens To contribute to the fight against the COVID-19 pandemic, TWGHs participated in the “COVID-19 Vaccination Programme” of the Hong Kong Government to support and promote COVID-19 vaccination, with the aim of increasing the vaccination rate of different age groups and enhancing the herd immunity barrier in Hong Kong against the pandemic. TWGHs provided COVID-19 vaccination services at 2 medical services centres namely TWGHs Medical Centre (North Point) on Hong Kong Participation in "COVID-19 Vaccination Programme" of the Hong Kong Government 醫療服務的防疫措施 Epidemic Prevention Adopted for Medical Services In view of the surge of seasonal flu cases in recent years, TWGHs has been operating the “On-site Seasonal Influenza Vaccination Programme at Schools” since 2017. The Programme, implemented in support of the Government’s “Vaccination Subsidy Scheme”, aims at encouraging students to receive vaccination at schools and increasing the vaccination rate for better protection of their health. Given the positive outcome, the Group organised the vaccination again in 2022/2023. The Programme was open to students of TWGHs kindergartens, primary and secondary schools, subject to voluntary participation of the schools and students. The Medical Division and TWGHs Integrated Diagnostic and Medical Centre arranged medical and nursing teams to the Group’s 19 kindergartens, 1 primary school and 9 secondary schools to provide onsite seasonal influenza vaccination for over 4,500 students with around 5,000 injections. TWGHs Fung Yiu King Hospital was converted into a designated COVID-19 hospital on 11 March 2022. To ensure proper patient care to COVID-19 patients, the Hospital enhanced a variety of clinical and nonclinical support services, such as extending the service hours of its admission office, strengthening specimen transportation schedules, and providing essential supplies, and more. 鑑於近年流感肆虐,本院於2017 年開始推行「學 校外展季節性流感疫苗接種計劃」。此計劃配合 政府的「疫苗資助計劃」推出,鼓勵學童在學校 接種流感疫苗,提高疫苗接種率,令學童的健康 得到更大保障。由於成效理想,本院本年度繼 續推行「學校外展季節性流感疫苗接種計劃」, 服務對象涵蓋東華三院屬下的幼稚園、小學及 中學,由學校和學生自願參加。本院醫務科及 東華三院綜合診斷及醫療中心安排醫護團隊到屬 下19 家幼稚園、1 家小學和9 家中學為學生接種 流感疫苗,共為超過4,500 名學生接種大概5,000 劑流感疫苗。 東華三院馮堯敬醫院於2022 年3 月11 日轉為定 點救治新型冠狀病毒病確診者醫院。為提供適切 的監察治療予確診者,醫院加強臨床及非臨床的 服務支援,包括:延長入院登記處的運作時間、 加強運送化驗樣本的安排,以及各項必要物資的 供應等。 東華三院學校外展流感疫苗接種計劃 2022/2023 東華三院馮堯敬醫院作為定點救治 新型冠狀病毒病確診者醫院 On-site Seasonal Influenza Vaccination Programme at Schools in 2022/2023 TWGHs Fung Yiu King Hospital Being Designated Hospital for COVID-19 Patients