2022-2023 年報 Annual Report

醫療衞生服務 MEDICAL AND HEALTH SERVICES 36 TWGHs co-organised free talks on Chinese medicine with other hospitals and organisations for patients, rehabilitants and the general public, with the aim of introducing the basic concepts and wisdom of Chinese medical science as well as its amazing efficacy in preventing illness and nurturing good health in daily life. Around 42 talks were provided for over 1,600 participants in 2022/2023. TWGHs Board of Directors donated $2 million to the Samaritan Fund to aid the patients in need. 東華三院與其他醫院及機構合辦免費中醫講座, 讓病患者、復康者及公眾人士認識中醫保健的基 本概念,以及中醫日常防病養生的生活智慧。在 2022/2023 年度內,共舉辦約42 場講座,參加人 數超過1,600 人次。 東華三院董事局捐款200 萬元予撒瑪利亞基金, 為有需要的病人提供援助。 免費中醫講座 捐款予撒瑪利亞基金 Free Chinese Medicine Health Talks Donation to Samaritan Fund TWGHs has been providing free medical services for the needy in the community since its inception in 1870, and still strives to uphold the tradition of providing free medical services despite escalating medical costs in recent years, which include: The estimated expenditure of free medical services in 2022/2023 was about $54 million, serving approximately 700,000 visits. 東華三院自1870 年創院以來,一直堅持為有需 要人士提供免費醫療服務,即使面對醫療成本不 斷上漲的壓力,東華三院仍然竭力維持「贈醫施 藥」的傳統,為市民提供免費醫療服務,包括: 2022/2023 年度免費醫療服務的總支出預計為 5,400 萬元,受惠人次約70 萬。 免費病床600 張; 600 free beds; 免費普通科和專科門診服務,並按政府的收費 標準代求診者向政府繳付費用;及 free general and specialist outpatient services by paying the hospital charges for the patients according to the Government fee scale; and 免費中醫普通科門診服務,當中部分開支由衞 生署資助。 free Chinese medicine outpatient services with partial subvention of operating expenses from the Department of Health. 免費醫療服務 Free Medical Services 贈醫施藥 免費醫療 Provision of Free Medical Services • • • • • • 東華三院綜合診斷及醫療中心,為市民提供2019 冠狀病毒病疫苗接種服務。至今,兩個單位已經 為市民接種接近3,300 劑新冠疫苗。 本院醫務科亦安排接種隊到學校為學生及家長 免費接種新冠疫苗,由學校、學生及其家人自 願參加,並歡迎同區學校的學生及家人參與。 東華三院接種隊到33 間學校( 包括:東華三院屬 下19 間幼稚園、7 間小學和3 間中學,以及3 間 非東華三院幼稚園及1 間非東華三院小學) 舉辦 共49 場外展新冠疫苗接種,為學生及家長接種 大約2,500 劑新冠疫苗。 Island and TWGHs Integrated Diagnostic and Medical Centre in Kowloon with around 3,300 doses of COVID-19 vaccines administered. The Medical Division of the Group also arranged vaccination team for on-site COVID-19 vaccination service at schools to students and their family members, and the Programme was subsequently extended to the non-TWGHs schools in the same district. TWGHs had organised as many as 49 visits to 33 participating schools, including the Group’s 19 kindergartens, 7 primary and 3 secondary schools as well as 3 non-TWGHs kindergartens and 1 non-TWGHs primary school, for the provision of COVID-19 vaccination to students and their family members, with around 2,500 doses of COVID-19 vaccines administered. Advances in medical technology result in ongoing enhancement in the quality and efficacy of medical services, such as the introduction of minimal invasive surgery services. Unfortunately, the devices required for these services are expensive self-financed items under the Hospital Authority, making them unaffordable to some patients. In light of this, TWGHs Board of Directors allocated funds to subsidise needy patients in purchasing necessary medical supplies, including consumables for interventional radiology and minimal invasive surgery, and needles for breast biopsy so that the needy patients can also afford to receive appropriate treatments. 隨著醫療科技日新月異,醫療服務及其成效不斷 提升,例如引入微創手術服務,但有關服務所需 用品費用高昂,並且屬於醫院管理局的病人自費 項目,部分病人未能負擔。有見及此,東華三院 董事局撥款資助有需要的病人購買所需的醫療用 品,包括介入放射及微創手術的用品,以及抽 取乳房組織的刺針,讓有需要的病者得到適切 治療。 資助購買高價先進醫療用品 Subsidising Expensive and Advanced Medical Devices 馬清揚主席( 左二) 在行政總監蘇祐安先生( 左一) 陪同下,代表 東華三院董事局致送200 萬元捐款支票予醫院管理局慈善基金,並由醫 院管理局主席范鴻齡SBS太平紳士( 右二) 在醫院管理局行政總裁高拔陞 醫生太平紳士( 右一) 陪同下代表接受。 Mr. MA Ching Yeung, Philip (left 2), the Chairman, accompanied by Mr. SU Yau On, Albert (left 1), Chief Executive, presented on behalf of the Board of Directors of TWGHs a donation cheque of $2 million to the Hospital Authority Charitable Foundation, represented by Mr. FAN Hung Ling, Henry, SBS, JP (right 2), Chairman of the Hospital Authority (HA), accompanied by Dr. KO Pat Sing, Tony, JP (right 1), Chief Executive of the Hospital Authority.