2022-2023 年報 Annual Report

醫療衞生服務 MEDICAL AND HEALTH SERVICES 39 The construction of the Phase 1 redevelopment of Kwong Wah Hospital (KWH) was completed in December 2022. While the new building will be handed over to KWH for service commencement soon, hospital services are planned to be moved in gradually from the 1st quarter of 2023. A worship ceremony was held on 11 January 2023 to pray for blessings as well as smooth relocation and commissioning. The Ceremony was officiated by Mr. MA Ching Yeung, Philip, the Chairman, in the presence of the representatives from the Strategy and Planning Division of the Hospital Authority, the consultant team and main contractor. Members of TWGHs Advisory Board, TWGHs Board of Directors, Members of Hospital Governance Committee (HGC) of Kwong Wah Hospital (KWH) and the management team were also present to witness and celebrate the key milestone of the Group. 廣華醫院重建計劃第一期新大樓工程已於2022 年12 月竣工,並籌備於2023 年首季起逐步啟 用。本院於2023 年1 月11 日為新大樓進行驗 收祈福儀式,祝願醫院各部門順利完成驗收工 作並搬入新院,讓病人能夠盡快享用新設施。 祈福儀式由馬清揚主席主持,邀請了醫院管理 局策略發展部、建築顧問團隊及總承建商代 表,聯同東華三院顧問局成員、東華三院董事 局及廣華醫院醫院管治委員會成員和管理團隊 一同慶祝此重要里程。 廣華醫院重建計劃第一期 新大樓驗收祈福儀式 Pre-handover Worship Ceremony for Kwong Wah Hospital Phase 1 New Building 馬清揚主席( 左三) 帶領廣華醫院管理團隊,包括廣華醫院醫院行政總監鄧錦成醫生( 左二)、廣華醫院行政事務總經理董曼琪 女士( 左一)、廣華醫院內科及老人科部門運作經理鍾淑霞女士( 右二)、廣華醫院專職醫療服務統籌馮潔玉女士( 右一) 誠心祈福, 祝願醫院順利完成驗收工作。 Mr. MA Ching Yeung, Philip (left 3), the Chairman, prayed for smooth commissioning of the Hospital, as he was accompanied by the management team of KWH, including Dr. TANG Kam Shing (left 2), Hospital Chief Executive of KWH, Ms. Macky TUNG (left 1), General Manager (Administrative Services) of KWH, Ms. Carol CHUNG (right 2), Department Operations Manager of Department of Medicine and Geriatrics KWH, and Ms. Brigitte FUNG (right 1), Coordinator of Allied Health Services KWH. 馬清揚主席( 右二) 代表廣華醫院醫院管治委員會接收廣華醫院新大樓鑰匙,並與中國建築工程( 香港) 有限公司董事長兼總經理 孔祥兆先生( 左一)、醫院管理局高級行政經理( 基本工程) 翟榮邦先生( 左二) 和廣華醫院醫院行政總監鄧錦成醫生( 右一) 合照。 Mr. MA Ching Yeung, Philip (right 2), the Chairman, received the key of the new hospital on behalf of the HGC of Kwong Wah Hospital, and took a group photo with Mr. HUNG Cheung Shew (left 1), Chairman and President of China State Construction Engineering (Hong Kong) Limited, Mr. David CHAK (left 2), Senior Manager (Capital Projects) of the Hospital Authority, and Dr. TANG Kam Shing (right 1), Hospital Chief Executive of KWH.