2022-2023 年報 Annual Report

教育服務 EDUCATION SERVICES 58 The TWGHs Junior Racer Championships was held on 28 August 2022. The Competition was co-organised with Hong Kong Drone Sports Association (HKDSA) and Cyberport, with the aim of nurturing students’ interest in trendy e-sports and inspiring their thinking and problem-solving skills. TWGHs Tseng Hin Pei Primary School, TWGHs Leo Tung-hai LEE Primary School and TWGHs Hok Shan School won the Team and the individual Champion, the 1st Runner-up, and the 2nd Runner-up respectively. 本院於2022 年8 月28 日舉行東華三院少年競 速無人機比賽。是項比賽由香港無人機運動總 會及數碼港有限公司協辦,旨在透過培養學生 對新興運動的興趣,同時讓學生了解無人機所 包含的科學原理和創科技術,啟發學生的思維 及解難能力。東華三院曾憲備小學、東華三院 李東海小學及東華三院鶴山學校分別奪得個人 賽和團體賽冠軍、亞軍及季軍。 東華三院少年競速無人機比賽 TWGHs Junior Racer Championships 東華三院馮黃鳳亭中學的選手們以亮眼的成績獲得團體賽冠軍, 由馬清揚主席( 右九) 頒獎,以及韋浩文副主席( 右十) 陪同。 Talents from TWGHs Mrs. Fung Wong Fung Ting College won the 1st place of the group competition. The award was presented by Mr. MA Ching Yeung, Philip (right 9), the Chairman, with the accompany of Mr. WAI Ho Man, Herman (right 10), Vice-Chairman. 東華三院中學聯校無人機 競速比賽 TWGHs Joint Secondary Schools Drone Competition In collaboration with Hong Kong Drone Sports Association (HKDSA), TWGHs Joint Secondary Schools Drone Competition was held on 4 March 2023, with the aim of nurturing students’ interest in and developing their knowledge about aviation and technology via the access and control of drones. Through theoretical and practical flight learning, students became inspired as they got to know the relationship between the principles of flying and STEM. The activity also helped cultivate students’ thinking, computing and problem solving skills. After a few rounds of exciting matches, the results of the individual competition were confirmed. Student LAM Pui Fung from TWGHs Lui Yun Choy Memorial College won the 1st place, student LAM Ming Him from TWGHs Wong Fung Ting College won the 2nd place, student TSOI Man Chun, Chris from TWGHs Lui Yun Choy won the 3rd place, and student CHEUK Chin Lap from TWGHs Chen Zao Men College won the 4th place. As for the group competition, TWGHs Mrs. Fung Wong Fung Ting College, TWGHs Lui Yun Choy Memorial College, TWGHs Wong Fung Ling College and TWGHs Chang Ming Thien College won the 1st, 2nd, 3rd and 4th place respectively. Drone racing teams from TWGHs Yiu Dak Chi Memorial Primary School (Yuen Long), TWGHs Leo Tung-hai LEE Primary School, TWGHs Tseng Hin Pei Primary School, TWGHs Yau Tze Tin Memorial College, TWGHs Wong Fung Ling College and TWGHs Mrs. Fung Wong Fung Ting College were invited by the Eastern District School Liaison Committee to participate in a series of drone racing friendly matches against the schools in Eastern District at Kiangsu-Chekiang College on 11 March 2023. There were also a performance by the drone racing national team and a demonstration of drone football match. 本院教育科於2023年3月4日舉辦東華三院中 學聯校無人機競速比賽,邀得香港無人機運動 總會協辦。活動目的是讓學生接觸無人機,開 拓對航空及科技的知識,並在理論和實踐飛行 的過程中,啟發學生理解飛行原理與STEM之 間的關係,進而培養學生思維、運算及解決問 題的能力。比賽過程精彩,最終由東華三院呂 潤財紀念中學的林培鎽同學、東華三院馮黃鳳 亭中學的林銘謙同學、東華三院呂潤財紀念中 學的蔡文晋同學、東華三院陳兆民中學的卓展 立同學分別獲得個人賽的冠、亞、季、殿軍。 至於團體賽方面,東華三院馮黃鳳亭中學、東 華三院呂潤財紀念中學、東華三院黃鳳翎中學、 東華三院張明添中學分別獲得冠、亞、季及 殿軍。 東華三院姚達之紀念小學( 元朗)、東華三院 李東海小學、東華三院曾憲備小學、東華三院 邱子田紀念中學、東華三院黃鳳翎中學及東華 三院馮黃鳳亭中學的無人機「飛手」接受東區 學校聯絡委員會的邀請,於2023 年3 月11 日 於北角寶馬山蘇浙公學與「東區無人機推廣計 劃」的參與學校進行多場無人機競速友誼賽, 當日亦有無人機國家隊的表演及無人機足球賽 的示範賽。 董事局成員與全體參賽者合照 Group photo of the Board Members and all participants 馬清揚主席頒發個人賽冠軍予 東華三院曾憲備小學的呂柏霖同學。 Mr. MA Ching Yeung, Philip, the Chairman, presented the prize to Individual Champion LUI Pak Lam from TWGHs Tseng Hin Pei Primary School.