2022-2023 年報 Annual Report

教育服務 EDUCATION SERVICES 59 In order to realise TWGHs vision in education and encourage the ongoing innovation of the teacher team, TWGHs has established the “TWGHs Teaching Award Scheme” to promote the pursuit of excellence of the teachers and create a better learning environment for students. The Scheme comprises 2 categories, namely, the primary school section and the secondary school section. In the school year 2022/2023, the area of assessment for the secondary school section covered English Education and Personal, Social and Humanities Education, while the primary school section covered English Education and Music Education. A total of 33 proposals were received from 16 TWGHs secondary schools and 14 TWGHs primary schools. There were 5 winning schools in the school year 2022/2023. The TWGHs Moral Education Curriculum was introduced to all affiliated schools in 2016/2017. The Curriculum is under the supervision of the Steering Committee, which holds a meeting every year. To raise students' interest in the Curriculum, various activities, such as the joint school “TWGHs Culture Inheritor Programme", are organised annually to enrich students’ knowledge about the Group's history and services. For the year 2022/2023, TWGHs primary and secondary students participated in the "TWGHs Joint Schools History Quiz" with an added component of contemporary history of China to enhance their knowledge about the development of China as well as the history of Hong Kong and TWGHs. The Event also strengthened students’ recognition of their national identity and sense of belonging so that they could learn to contribute to the society and help others. The theme of the “TWGHs Miss Maisy Ho Joint Schools Civic Education Award” was "law-abidingness" and "empathy" this year, enhancing students’ civic awareness as emphasised by the Education Bureau and cultivating a positive mindset. As for staff training relating to the Curriculum, only local study trips were carried out due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Before the commencement of the academic year 2022/2023, a moral education workshop was organised in September 2022, allowing the Steering Committee members to share their outstanding teaching experience with the participating teachers. 為實現東華三院的教育遠景,鼓勵教師團隊不斷 創新,本院設立了「東華三院教學獎勵計劃」, 推動教師追求卓越,為學生帶來更優質的學習環 境。計劃分為中學組及小學組,2022/2023 學年 中學組的評審範圍是英國語文教育學習領域和個 人、社會及人文教育學習領域,而小學組的評審 範圍是英國語文教育學習領域和音樂教育學習領 域。本學年共有16 間中學及14 間小學參與,合 共收到33個參賽計劃,當中共有5間學校獲獎。 東華三院的德育課程由2016/2017 起於院屬學校 全面推行。現時課程由督導委員會帶領,每年定 期召開一次會議。為進一步提高學生對課程的興 趣,本院每年都會安排不同形式的延展活動,例 如「東華三院文化承傳人計劃」等,讓學生認識 本院歷史及服務。 2022/2023 年度,本院屬校中小學生參加蘊含中 國近代史元素的「東華三院聯校歷史問答比賽」, 進一步提升及鞏固本院學生對國家發展、香港歷 史和本院的認識,強化他們的身份認同和歸屬 感,並學會回饋社會,貢獻他人。由乙未年主席 何超蕸小姐BBS捐款設立的「東華三院何超蕸聯 校公民教育獎」,於本年以「同理心」和「守法」 這兩個態度和價值觀為主題,提升教育局提倡的 核心公民意識,培養正面的處世態度。教師培訓 方面,因疫情影響,本院屬校暫時只能完成本地 的東華歷史考察。各校德育課程統籌教師於2022 年9 月開學前舉辦工作坊,讓督導委員分享優質 德育課堂實際經驗。 東華三院教學獎勵計劃 推廣東華三院德育課程發展 TWGHs Teaching Award Scheme Promoting TWGHs Moral Education Curriculum 優質教學 高效學習 Quality Teaching and Effective Learning Starting from the school year 2023/2024, the Education Bureau will arrange students’ participation in quality STEAM activities and competitions at all levels to promote STEAM education in primary schools. The Group is dedicated to providing a variety of learning experiences to enhance students' confidence and interest. The Education Division plans to cooperate with different organisations to provide a platform for students from 15 TWGHs primary schools to experience the STEAM curriculum, which covers drone programming and robotic programming. This can cultivate their interest in technology and further enhance their problem-solving skills which keep them competitive in the digital era. 為更好配合教育局於2023/2024 學年全面加強推 動STEAM教育,東華三院各屬下小學積極安排 學生參與具規模的全校、校際、全港以至國際 性的STEAM活動和比賽,透過豐富學習經歷增 加學生自信心和興趣,發掘有潛質的學生加以 培育。此外,本院教育科亦積極計劃與坊間不 同的教育機構合作,為屬下15 間小學提供體驗 STEAM課程的平台,讓學生接觸無人機編程及機 械人編程等STEAM活動,培養他們對科技的興 趣,並提高他們在科技上的解難能力,以配合時 代的需要。 院屬小學全面加強推動STEAM教育 Strengthening STEAM Education in TWGHs Primary Schools 本學年,東華三院馬錦燦紀念小學引入人工智能垂直農業 系統,旨在讓學生掌握如何使用人工智能應對當今的農業 挑戰。 TWGHs Ma Kam Chan Memorial Primary School introduced AI Farming in this school year, which aims at equipping students with knowledge of using AI to tackle agricultural challenges nowadays.