2022-2023 年報 Annual Report

社會服務 COMMUNITY SERVICES 77 「存為愛」生命探索之旅主題展讓參觀者經 歷人生不同階段,重新思索生命意義,以 及與身邊人的關係。 The exhibition of "Live to Love" Life Journey allowed visitors to experience different stages of life from cradle to grave, prompting visitors to rethink the meaning of life and the relationship with those around them. 「殯儀二三事之萬能金銀紙」工作坊參加者 與導師合照留念。 Speaker and participants took a photo at one of the themed activities named "The Art of Folding Joss Paper". 時任安老事務委員會主席林正財醫生SBS 太平紳士( 左六)、馬清揚主席( 左五) 及 董事局成員為活動主持啟動儀式。 Dr. the Hon. LAM Ching Choi, SBS, JP (left 6), the then Chairman of the Elderly Commission, and Mr. MA Ching Yeung, Philip (left 5), the Chairman, and Board Members officiated at the kick-off ceremony of the Event. 職業治療師透過繪本介入模 式,為認知障礙症長者提供 小組活動。 Occupational therapists provided group activities for the elders with dementia through the Picture Book Intervention Model. 認知障礙長者在經歷過繪本 治療後,建立起閱讀的興趣, 並自發閱讀繪本。 Demented elderly developed a hobby of reading as they read picture books spontaneously after joining the picture books group. 發展善壽服務 推廣生死教育 Developing Endless Care Services and Promoting Life and Death Education "Endless Care Services" held a large-scale life and death education event, entitled “Live to Love” Life Journey, from 7 to 10 July 2022 at the Jockey Club Creative Arts Centre. Dr. the Hon. LAM Ching Choi, SBS, JP, the then Chairman of the Elderly Commission, officiated at the Kick-off Ceremony, together with Mr. MA Ching Yeung, Philip, the Chairman, and Board Members. The Event featured a rich variety of art programmes, including experiential exhibition, interactive drama performance, art workshops, documentaries and movie screenings, talks, as well as a comic exhibition, offering inspiring experiences to all walks of life, while breaking the taboos of death and promoting the message “Cherish Life, Positive Living”. The Event ended on a high note, attracting over 6,000 visitors and participants with very positive feedback. The 3 talks and interactive drama performance were recorded and shared online, drawing over 3,000 views on the YouTube channel. Moreover, the main thematic exhibition was also captured in the form of VR360 virtual tour, so that the public could visit the exhibition online to examine the value and meaning of their lives through the interactive elements. 「圓滿人生服務」於2022 年7 月7 日至10 日假賽 馬會創意藝術中心舉行大型生死教育活動 —「存 為愛」生命探索之旅,由主禮嘉賓時任安老事務 委員會主席林正財醫生SBS太平紳士、馬清揚 主席及董事局成員主持啟動禮。該活動以生老病 死為主題的體驗式展覽、互動生命劇場、藝術工 作坊、電影及紀錄片放映、專題講座及「漫溯生 命」計劃漫畫作品展等,啟發參加者重新審視生 命價值和意義,打破對死亡的禁忌和恐懼,傳揚 「珍惜生命,積極人生」的正面訊息。展覽吸引 逾6,000 人次入場,好評如潮。三個專題講座及 互動生命劇場的錄影重溫,亦於YouTube 頻道吸 引了超過3,000 人次觀看。此外,「存為愛」生命 探索之旅主題展亦以VR360 虛擬導覽的方式記錄 在案,市民大眾可隨時在網上參觀展覽,重溫當 中互動元素。 「存為愛」生命探索之旅提倡以愛豐盛 人生 “Live to Love” Life Journey Advocating “Cherish Life, Positive Living” To help slow down the deterioration of the demented elderly, TWGHs Elderly Services Section launched in April 2022 a 2-year project called the “Integrative Picture Book Intervention Project for Dementia”, which aimed to provide evidence-based services. Based on the theory of Bibliotherapy, the Picture Book Intervention involved a series of therapy groups that engaged in cognitive stimulation, speech enhancement, carer support and more. Besides, a set of Picture books tailor-made for dementia training and related publicity and education campaigns were produced to promote the public images of demented elders. To introduce the application of Picture Book Intervention into elderly services units, a “train-the-trainer” approach was adopted with internal staff training provided. 為協助延緩認知障礙症患者的衰退,本院安老服 務部於2022 年4 月開始推出為期兩年的「活智 療情 • 繪愛傳城」認知障礙症繪本綜合計劃。該 計劃以繪本介入理論出發,策劃一系列的治療小 組,當中包括認知刺激、言語能力提升及照顧者 支援等。此外,計劃亦包括製作一套針對認知 障礙症患者訓練的繪本及舉辦相關的宣傳教育 活動,希望藉此提升認知障礙症長者於社區的形 象,並培訓內部職員成為訓練者,把繪本介入的 治療手法引入各安老服務單位推行。 「活智療情 • 繪愛傳城」認知障礙症繪本 綜合計劃 Integrative Picture Book Intervention Project for Dementia