2022-2023 年報 Annual Report

歷史文化保育 PRESERVATION OF CULTURAL HERITAGE 127 宣揚東華三院歷史和慈善精神 Promoting the History and Philanthropic Spirit of TWGHs 向「血濃於水:香港歷史建築中的家國情」 展覽借出文物 為慶祝香港特別行政區成立二十五周年,國家 文物局和香港特別行政區政府發展局聯合策劃 「血濃於水:香港歷史建築中的家國情」展覽,於 2022 年10 月21 日至11 月20 日在香港文物探知 館舉行。本院特別借出8 項珍貴文物及檔案,於 「同氣連枝 血脈相通」部分展出。 Lending Artefacts for the “Inseparable Ties: Cohesion as Told by Hong Kong’s Historic Buildings” Exhibition To celebrate the 25th anniversary of the establishment of the Hong Kong Special Administration Region (HKSAR) in 2022, the National Cultural Heritage Administration and the Development Bureau, the Government of the HKSAR jointly presented the “Inseparable Ties: Cohesion as Told by Hong Kong’s Historic Buildings” Exhibition. The Exhibition was held from 21 October to 20 November 2022 at Hong Kong Heritage Discovery Centre and the Group lent 8 precious artefacts for the “Unity and Interconnection” section. 「血濃於水:香港歷史建築中的家國情」 展覽海報 Poster of "Inseparable Ties: Cohesion as Told by Hong Kong's Historic Buildings" Exhibition 本院的珍貴文物包括清光緒皇帝於1879 年御賜的牌匾「神威普佑」、1932 年十九路軍 總指揮蔣光鼐及軍長蔡廷鍇贈予的牌匾「義氣可風」及曾存放去世華人骨殖的藤籃於展 覽上展出。 The precious artefacts of the Group, including the "Shen Wei Pu You" (The God Protects All) plaque bestowed by the Guangxu Emperor in 1879, the "Yi Qi Ke Feng" (The Fraternal Demeanour) plaque presented by Chief Commander of the 19th Route Army, JIANG Guangnai and Corps Commander CAI Tingkai in 1932 and the rattan case used to carry the bones of the deceased Chinese people, were showcased in the exhibition. 2022 年11 月17 日辦公室與人力資源科為東華三院員 工安排展覽的特別導賞團。 The Office arranged a special tour of the exhibition for TWGHs staff in collaboration with the Human Resources Division on 17 November 2022. 接收本院公共服務部移交的清光 緒十四年油麻地城隍廟銅鐘。 A bronze bell at Shing Wong Temple, Yau Ma Tei (1888) was received from the Group's Traditional Services Section. 公眾捐贈與東華三院有關的檔案及文物予辦公室作永久保存。 The public donated TWGHs-related relics to the Office for permanent custody.