Educational Equipment Donation Scheme 2020/2021– Donor Acknowledgement
Our gratitude goes to the well-wishers listed below for their enthusiastic support towards the Educational Equipment Donation Scheme. With the donation, our secondary schools, primary schools, kindergartens and special schools are able to acquire the appropriate educational equipment and up-grade of school facilities to provide a better environment conducive to both learning and teaching so that students can develop their full potential.
(The following acknowledgement is listed in accordance with the donation amount, and was recorded up to 31 March 2021. Our appreciation also goes to all other well-wishers not listed here.)
Mr. Alexander YEUNG, Director, Former Board Director of TWGHs |
關信強 (關樺迪) 先生 |
Ms. LAW Yee Ping |
福名氏 |
Nicedrope Solar Protection System Co., Ltd. |
陳聯璋伉儷 |
Asia Insurance Co Ltd |
梁燕霞小姐 |
雲洋有限公司 |
Mr. MAK Hing Chung |
All direct expenses of fund-raising events have been sponsored by TWGHs Board of Directors and Title Sponsors of the events and no administrative costs will be deducted from the donations of the general public to ensure all public donations will go directly to our services.